Lockdown Listens and Watches for While You Craft

Being in the midst of a lockdown in Wales and with the impending month long one announced in England, we thought what better time than to ask our Lark followers to give us their fave tv and podcast recommendations. So whilst you’re crafting - whether crocheting a festive Christmas blanket or working on a new project, these picks are great for keeping you entertained!

First up we have a ton of TV recommendations, covering all bases whether you like to watch comedies, thrillers, crime or horrors whilst crocheting…


You can’t beat a good podcast for a bit of easy listening whilst you craft away! The great thing is you just need your headphones or speaker on so you can keep your eyes on your crafts at all times. Again, our Larksters gave us a range of picks, so you’re spoilt for choice no matter what you like listening to!

We hope you’re all keeping safe and sane! at this crazy time. At Lark we’re always stressing the importance of crafting for mental wellbeing - so don’t feel bad for slowing down, learning a new crafty hobby, and sticking a binge-worthy series on!

Gemma Forderecommend, lockdown